Shoe contest
Check the contest, and even more importantly the blog itself, out at
I don't know whether it's a SATC-syndrome or simply an effect of the whole www-revolution but shoes really do seem to be the thing. I know it's been said that women have always loved shoes but it's never been true to this extent, at least not for people living in smaller cities such as myself, so there's yet one more thing to be grateful about when talking about the internet. Though I wonder if I'd been able to avoid it anyhow considering my grandparents' interest in shoes... I still wonder how my parents managed to become such none-fanatics when it comes to shoes. My mum still hasn't gotten over the shoe shopping in Stockholm last year, claiming my sister and I could sense a shoe sale from several blocks away. How great it would be if that was the case...
Btw, considering the contest/blog is in English I thought I might as well do the whole post in English. It's rather refreshing trying to write in a new language, maybe I should try doing it more often!